The Honorable G. Thomas Eisele served as United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Arkansas for forty-one years from 1970 to 2011. He was renowned for his learning and industry, as well as his fierce devotion to trial by jury.
3 November 2023 marks the 100th anniversary of Judge Eisele’s birth. That day, the District Court—joined by the Federal Practice Committee, the Arkansas Studies Institute, and the G. Thomas Eisele Endowment—will honor Judge Eisele and his legacy by hosting a program about trial-related matters. The event is free and open to members of the Bar and the public. This event will feature a presentation on Artificial Intelligence evidence by two experts in this emerging area of the law. And a panel of eight current and former U.S. District Judges will discuss attorney voir dire, whether jurors may ask questions at trial, and criminal sentencing issues. Circuit Judge Morris S. Arnold will also present a short remembrance about Judge Eisele.
Attendees will be eligible for more than three hours of Continuing Legal Education credit at no charge. This event will be held in the jury assembly room at the Richard S. Arnold United States Courthouse in Little Rock. The attached program contains more details. Please register in advance by clicking here. We hope you will join us in honoring Judge Eisele on November 3rd.
D.P. Marshall Jr.
Chief U.S. District Judge
Eastern District of Arkansas
Click here for the schedule.