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Request for Bid

Friday, August 4, 2023

In accordance with the Guide to Judiciary policy (Guide, Vol. 14, § 315.10 Policy)  the United States District Court-Eastern District of Arkansas invites you to bid on the following:

Three copiers which meet, or exceed the specs provided below
• Print - 80 ppm B&W 
• Scan - 600 x 600 dpi 
• Staple 
• Collate 
• 4000 Sheet Finisher 
• 4 paper drawers – 1 & 2 500 sheets each, 3 & 4 1500 sheets each 
• Linux PPD driver for CM/ECF compatibility 
Please submit all competing quotes to the Procurement Officer (Lance Smith) no later than August 15th, 2023.  Contact information is below

Lance Smith- Procurement Specialist